We want your vehicle! Get the best value for your trade-in!

About Perfect Auto

Perfect Auto

Perfect Auto is conveniently located in the heart of Manassas, VA, 35 miles southwest of Washington, D.C. At one point, every vehicle rolls off the assembly line, makes its way to a dealership, and idly waits to relocate to a new home. Eventually, every car is sold, titled and registered and immediately deemed a significantly less expensive commodity. We believe that you, the smart consumer, should allow someone else to depreciate the car of your dreams. That’s where we come into play. Perfect Auto is a full service dealership offering a rich assortment of handpicked high-end luxury vehicles. We strive to offer you the luxury car you want to drive for the price you want to pay. As a private, family owned entity, we are able to minimize the cost of overhead and extend significant savings to our customers. We do not employ deceitful and commissioned-crazed salespersons. Instead we refer to the expertise of several auto enthusiasts who strive to tend to your needs and help you make a well-informed decision regarding your next auto purchase.

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